We Take Sustainability Seriously
We do our best to promote sustainability within in our community. We participate in city-wide cleanup days which involves our employees helping clean up trash and unwanted items from people's homes and yards. We also have adopted a portion of Highway 71 near our plant. This responsibility includes cleaning up the sides of the highway annually. We love to help out around our community, especially when it also means helping out the environment.

At NSK-AKS Clarinda, we take our plant's sustainability seriously. We have partnered with Mid-American Energy to help with our sustainability efforts. With them, we plan on reaching a 100% renewable energy vision. We have made significant progress towards this goal and hope to reach it in the near future. In addition to this, we are also promoting sustainability through our ISO 14001 certification. ISO 14001 is an International Organization for Standard (ISO) for development of Environmental Management Systems (EMS). By having this certification, it is evidence to the high standards we have for our environmental performance.